Well, quite a bit has happened in my stitchy world since my last post. First off, here's a not quite current picture of one of my WIPs, Footprints. Since this was taken, I've filled in the holes around the footprint and done a little bit of white on the right side that belongs with the water washing up on the beach. This is my first time working with evenweave, and so far, I'm loving it!
As it turns out, after I made my last post, I was doing some blog surfing and ran across This Witches Stitches run by a very sweet lady, Jennifer, whom I've had the pleasure to get to know a little bit since then. It just so happened that her blog had the link to the Facebook for the 2012 Crazy 15 Challenge! After it was mentioned to me earlier that day and then I stumbled upon the link, I figured it was something fun I was meant to be involved in. Then began the flurry of activity to pick out 15 projects which has turned out to be quite the challenge in and of itself, let me tell you! I believe I've changed my mind at least 15 times on that alone! I simply have too many that I want to do right now. As it stands now, I have 15 chosen, four of which are kits that haven't been purchased yet! Amazing, when I have so many as it is that I can't decide between. Do I think I'll have 15 finished projects at the end of 2012? Not a chance. I'm not delusional... but it is meant to be a fun time shared amongst friends, and I'm looking forward to seeing what transpires. Thankfully, current WIP can be counted among the 15, so there's a couple of those in there.
And the ladies I've met! I can't tell you what wonderful people I've met, some that I haven't seen in other Facebook groups, and it's almost hard to stay away from such a chatty group of lovely ladies to stay working. Several of them are doing at least a couple of the projects I have chosen, so it will be fun to encourage each other and see one another's progress. I will post a list of the 15 that I have chosen off to the side and try to keep updated with the progress of each as we enter January and start on them "for real." As mentioned, some are WIP, and some probably will be by then, because as it is, I've already purchased one new kit: Arctic Antics. This one has beluga whales in it! My favorite sea mammal, manatees a close second. I just love their big blubbery bodies and the times we've been to Sea World, I could stand and watch the belugas for hours and hours.
I'm also a huge fan of Noah's Ark, especially in cross stitch (if you can't tell by my stash list), and I got the Teresa Wentzler Noah's Ark sampler kit sorted out and couldn't wait to start it. So that's now another WIP. I had a false start on it, realized I had the fabric horizontal and had to take some out, but fortunately, I hadn't gone very far yet, so it was an easy fix. I have the light blue in the top row of the letters done and no picture yet. This one is also on evenweave.
A few days ago, I got underway with a round robin put together with some of the ladies from the 2012 Challenge, so that's currently taking a lot of my time. Unfortunately, no picture of that yet either to share. My theme is Mickey Mouse and it will be a sort of quilted wall hanging when finished for my daughter who loves Mickey Mouse. There are five of us in the group. Other themes in the group: snowmen, fairies, Christmas trees, and possibly pumpkins (I think she's still undecided on the pumpkins).
So lots going on! I will try to get pictures posted and make a list of my 15.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Footprints After Five Days
Current progress on Footprints after five days. Started this the evening of Sept. 25, and this was where I ended last night at bedtime. Tonight, when things settle down, I'll be moving over to the right and beginning a portion of the "picture," some footprints, beach, and waves.
It seemed so fitting that when I found the center of the pattern, "Lord" was there! So, the Lord is at the center of this project. It starts with Him. I also love that working on this piece gives me peace. It gives me cause to reflect on what is important in my life, from where I am and should be spiritually and what is important in my life, from God to my family to special people in my life like the special friend that surprised me with this kit in the mail.
If I get visitors here, I'm wondering if anyone has heard of the List of 15 or Crazy 15? From what I understand, this is where you choose 15 projects and start one on each day, January 1-15th, and then the goal is to complete them throughout the year 2012. This is something I'm considering. It certainly would be crazy to start a new one each day of the first 15 of January -- my husband would absolutely think I'd fallen off my rocker for sure, but I've also heard it is a great way to finish up some WIP with a fun goal. This is the part that interests me most. I recently updated my album on Facebook for my stitchy stash and have discovered there's way too many to do. Nothing seems small, so I doubt I'd be able to finish 15 larger ones in the new year. We shall see... Might be fun. Happy Stitching!
It seemed so fitting that when I found the center of the pattern, "Lord" was there! So, the Lord is at the center of this project. It starts with Him. I also love that working on this piece gives me peace. It gives me cause to reflect on what is important in my life, from where I am and should be spiritually and what is important in my life, from God to my family to special people in my life like the special friend that surprised me with this kit in the mail.
If I get visitors here, I'm wondering if anyone has heard of the List of 15 or Crazy 15? From what I understand, this is where you choose 15 projects and start one on each day, January 1-15th, and then the goal is to complete them throughout the year 2012. This is something I'm considering. It certainly would be crazy to start a new one each day of the first 15 of January -- my husband would absolutely think I'd fallen off my rocker for sure, but I've also heard it is a great way to finish up some WIP with a fun goal. This is the part that interests me most. I recently updated my album on Facebook for my stitchy stash and have discovered there's way too many to do. Nothing seems small, so I doubt I'd be able to finish 15 larger ones in the new year. We shall see... Might be fun. Happy Stitching!
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